First off let me just say that i came to YouTube 10 years ago because its called "you"tube, Not "Corporate-Sponsorship-Tube". I want to watch creators, not companies. I realized around 2014 the algorithm for video recommendations had completely changed. It was no longer about watching what was recommended to me, It felt like i was put into a specific groups where the algorithm would only recommend a per-determined set of videos. But It didn't bother me too much and it wasn't a deal breaker at the time.But now...... the recommendations are just terrible. I don't watch corporate media, I dont watch CNN, Vox, Vice, or any of these other propaganda pushing channels. So how do i make it so that i never have to see that offensive crap ever again? Its an insult to the viewerbase of youtube to change search results, recommend propaganda, and then link to Wikipedia whenever a user is getting too close to the truth. And thats why Alphabet lost 8.2% recently. you are insulting your users by treating them like children. It seems like you have been payed off by the same companies that run television media to peddle their propaganda. I cant justify spending money anymore on youtube premium anymore because there is literally nothing worth watching. Oh wait there is but you just wont show it to me. DIY and Maker channels that i have been watching for years are getting banned over keywords in their title or description. Your site is literally no longer even useful for education, chemist and amature scientists have been banned or completely demonitized. Speaking of money as well, remember back when you said that YouTube premium was going to help support creators? That was all a big lie. creators i watch are having to quit YouTube and get full-time jobs because you basically fired them for no reason.I cant decide what i want to watch anymore, I cant decide who to search for because YouTube wont show me anyway. I cant tailor my recommendations (look i know the "im not interested" thing is there but it literally doesn't work and it has literally never worked since its creation. I have no reason to continue using your platform over any other. And there is no lack of content anymore. you have banned so many people you are creating your own competition.So i say we gather in the town square and lay down some roses for dear old youtube, its not dead yet... but its terminal. via /r/youtube