So I know that your behaviour on the Internet influences which adds you see, especially when using services by Google. Google must know that I searched for BMI and things related to nutrition.Now all the advertisements I see in the YT app are things like '1 week flat stomach challenge' or other cheap ways of apparently losing weight.Well if Google was really paying attention, it would see that I try to GAIN weight! My BMI should NOT be lowered.I am just getting annoyed by these advertisements, especially because of the clickbait nature. For some reason, the YT app is completely filled with them and I don't see them much at other places, which is why I post this here.Worst thing though: imagine I was someone that was insecure about their looks and weight. I would Google my BMI, clearly showing that I am already underweight, and then all of these advertisements pop up saying that it would be great if I can lose even more weight. Could this have an influence on people's wellbeing, such that they are pushed towards an eating disorder? That is why I feel just awful about these adds. via /r/youtube
Monday, 22 April 2019
YT app showing me useless spamming weight loss advertisements. Bad influence?
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