A couple weeks ago I noticed some strange suggestions for videos showing up in my recommended videos section. Stuff like 3 hours of relaxing music, latin and pop music, and TOOOOONSS of right-wing propaganda videos. I use my youtube for really geeky stuff. Comic and film discussions, nature documentaries, DnD backround music, and whatever the hell is trending on reddit at the time. If I'm watching political things at all, they lean left. Eventually I noticed the recommended videos were completely taking over my standard recommendations, so I checked out my history last week and boy oh boy did I find something weird.Basically, a 3 month history of FOX news, Latin and English pop music, Texas recommended to-do lists, Ben Shapiro, and hours and hours of relaxing music almost completely fills my account viewing history. I googled the problem, figured someone or something might have access to my account, and logged everyone and everything out of my account. I deleted my cookies on my laptop, changed the password, everything. But the videos still keep showing up in my history every day even though I took all these measures days ago. For today I have videos from FOX news' official channel, a channel called "Legend of Trump" for example.Has anyone experienced this before? Does anyone know a solution? via /r/youtube