About a week ago YouTube demonetized my entire channel for reused content. I emailed creator support while I had the chance (before they removed me from the YPP altogether) and spoke with a support agent about the specifics and how I could make my account eligible again for monetization. He said that he was unable to give me specifics pertaining to exactly which videos were flagged but he did link me to a YouTube guidelines page that pointed out stitched-together videos being an issue.At that point I made the conclusion that all of my older compilation-style videos needed to be deleted in order for me to have a chance at re-monetization. These videos had been claimed since day 1 so copyright holders were the only ones profiting from ad revenue (never thought they were an issue), but I moved forward with my plan and deleted all of them. Over 70 million views between each of the videos. Nearly half of my content gone.I reached out to support again (numerous times), asking for them to review my channel, and haven’t heard a word since.Today I wake up to another email from YouTube, this time auto-generated, stating that my most profitable video, one that I put close to 30 hours into researching, writing script for & editing, has been copyright claimed for a 3-second snippet of a song I used in an 11-minute video. 3 fucking seconds. That makes the 3rd video this month that has been claimed because of a snippet of a song used that totaled less than 5 seconds in videos that were all over 10-minutes long.Now, I understand that my channel is currently demonetized, but if there was any hope of getting that ruling reversed, my revenue would now be slashed in half from this claim and the others.Imagine being at your job and the supervisor walks up and says, “Sorry Joe, we’re cutting your pay in half. I know you’ve put in a lot of good years at this company, and made us a lot of money, but truthfully we couldn’t care less. You can try and dispute it too but we really don’t give a fuck.”I’m just so sick of YouTube and it’s algorithm that works against creators more than actually being in their favor. Bullshit copyright claims and policy changes without warning have pushed me over the edge. I’m done. via /r/youtube