Re: The Disabled Filters.I appreciate efforts to prevent the fame these assholes so clearly sought. It is a noble goal. But this blanket approach of disabling filters to make it hard to find this particular video is having the opposite effect. A Streisand Effect is going on: I'm reminded of what the shooter achieved every time I try to find new, fresh videos for the past three days... because I can't and haven't been since Saturday.This guy expected his video to go viral. To be seen by many, to earn him notoriety. What he didn't expect was to literally change the world/Internet. The way Facebook, Youtube, Google have responded - the ways these search efforts, in an effort to combat him, have actually played 100% into his hands by taking what would have been a brief, dark curiosity for some and actually amplified this to an international story that has branched far beyond the scope of the tragedy as major companies bend over backwards to enact censorship and broad stroke methods that effect millions.This has ultimately changed the narrative from being just another mass shooter who'd have his 15 minutes and be forgotten about in a week to a mass shooter who froze the Internet and impacted everyone and shaped many different discourses for weeks, none of which are relevant to the tragedy and all of which detract from what everyone should be taking about: how to stop these shootings from happening. The only lesson YouTube, Facebook and Google are teaching is: if you're going to shoot over 40 people, make sure you're livestreaming it, so the big companies stop the Internet in its tracks and force everyone to pay attention.I worry about what these misguided efforts to combat these shooters will wrought in the future... but I'm convinced this is the wrong way to do it. Let me search YouTube for the most recent news today from anyone who's covering it... and don't give these assholes exactly what they want. via /r/youtube
Monday, 18 March 2019
YouTube: I appreciate the goal, but you're "means to an end" is just making it worse.
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