A few years back, maybe 2014-2015ish, I thought beauty blogger channels were at their best.Back then, you'd get morning routines, DIYs (I loved those), room tours, life hack videos, etc. That was the golden age of beauty blogging.Now, I see a lot more "24 hours doing [INSERT ACTIVITY]," "Doing my makeup in [INSERT UNCONVENTIONAL SETTING]," etc. etc. This stuff is not as interesting, in my opinion.Obviously, this is subjective. You're free to draw any conclusion you like, but I'd like to know how many people would agree with me on this. And the beauty bloggers make content that they and their viewers like. My opinion alone, should not make much of an impact on changing the content.Niki Demartino: "Hey Gabi, let's go back to doing DIYs and room tours. This one dude on Reddit said he misses those." Yeah... it doesn't work that way.It could be that YouTubers got bored of doing the same things over and over again. Like how many videos are you going to make about your "Spring Morning Routine"? But I feel like in that time (4-5 years ago), the pool of topics to choose from were better, especially at this time of year.And seriously, why aren't DIYs a big thing anymore?? Those never get old.I get that mental health has become a bigger topic that YouTubers have opened up about. It's essentially a movement now. And it's for the better that people with platforms are talking about it. That's an improvement.But the fun vivacious videos of a few years back were LIGHT YEARS better than the "fun" videos of today.Lastly, I started watching a few YouTubers years back (Niki and Gabi, Rachel Levin, etc), and I haven't really expanded into watching the newer ones. It might be that the specific YouTubers I watch have switched up their content, and that the topics of years gone by are still being discussed by others.EDIT: Clarity via /r/youtube