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Wednesday 17 April 2019

How do you get media keys on keyboard to NOT work?

Basically, I use Spotify for my music all the time and it's super handy for the media keys (pause/play in particular) that are built into my keyboard to quickly start/stop my music without actually needed to open the window to pause the music.Only recently something has changed and now I have a really annoying issue. The button DOES still work when Youtube isn't on, but it DOESN'T work if I have a Youtube video on my browser as the pause/play button interacts with the Youtube video rather than Spotify. This applies no matter what: even with Youtube video minimised, even if I am clicked on Spotify. I have also checked all of my Google Chrome extensions so they aren't the issue, and I don't believe Youtube has an option for this to be switched off.This bit probably isn't important, but the other media keys (next track and previous track) DO work on Spotify, regardless if Youtube is open or not.Is there a way to make my pause/play button on my keyboard to work on Spotify ONLY, and not on Youtube like before? via /r/youtube
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